Zion Bible Fellowship

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Make the most out of our weekly Bible Study.

Zion Bible Fellowship

Every Saturday From 12:30 – 2:30pm (EST)

    7:30-9:30pm (Addis Time)

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/tnv-dmmn-wta

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 289-323-9998‬ PIN: ‪978 580 250‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/tnv-dmmn-wta?pin=5101354834414

Once a month, Zion Bible Fellowship members gather for a communion, both in person and online. The date for the communion will be announced two weeks in advance.

Featured Bible Study Audios (To be Uploaded)

Psalm 125:2 – As the mountains surround Jerusalem

Psalm 125:2 – as the mountains surround Jerusalem

125:2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds His people from this time forth and forever. (Click on picture for larger view) Jerusalem sits on a limestone plateau 2500 feet above sea level. For refrence Addis Ababa sits at 2355 m while Entoto is 3200 m above sea level. Haraer is 1885 M. JigJiga 1634 and Gursum 1900M above sea level. 




Featured Bible Study Video

 Zion Bible Fellowship



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